November 22, 2010

This World isn't Our STAGE

Our world isn't a stage. Our world is the best place to do something where we could tells good news to everyone, make others feel happy even they're in problems, spread the good influence to everyone and other good things.

But I felt like all the people started to show us their good acting, do everything like actor and actress like in the film. And not all the people in the world like that, but most of them do it. I give you illustration to make you more understand what i meant : The situation you and your friends are work in same office and also have same boss too. When the boss come to your room and look what do you do in office hours, you must be act like you're a good hard-worker. So, the boss just know that you really a hard-worker. When there's no boss in the office, you can do anything you want! Yes, you know what happen next. We can do anything like read news paper as long as you want, have longer time to eat your lunch, etc. The problem is, The Boss don't know what type of person you really are.
when there's a boss in your room :(
when there's no boss in your room :D
 not all the people in the world like that, but most of them
The illustration tells to us : sometimes we're 'using mask'. If there teacher, boss, and others look at us, we act like good workers,students, or anything that you can be. Then if the boss not look at us, we can do anything we want. It makes others pretend that we're really good person, even the truth isn't like that. who knows what you think inside your brain? NO ONE!
It makes others pretend that we're really good person, even the truth isn't like that
The great way to make your life better is BE YOURSELF and not make this world as a stage. You no need ask others to move on, but you must start to do it in your life first. Then others will see and do it in their life too :D
The great way to make your life better is BE YOURSELF

1 comment:

chaptra said...

i like it! xD
it's so ME !! LOL

Great-great article! Interesting..