November 24, 2010

Christmas! Come faster please!

What do you feel when you hear everybody said 'christmas' ? I guess that you'll feel so happy, because Christmas one of the most favorite celebration for all of us. how i know? First, can you remember it when last year or every year when one month before Christmas come, we can saw Christmas attribute in everywhere. like big Santa statue with his bag full of gifts in the atrium, many deers and its train hang on the mall's celling, and beautiful Christmas trees in every floor. it's so damn beautiful views. and the mall always have many events to celebrate the Christmas eve. Second, as we're know 25 December always mark as holiday, it means we could have a long holiday even just for a week. It's better to have one week holiday than no holiday right?
One month before Christmas come, we can saw Christmas attribute in everywhere
The reason why i really wanted Christmas day to come faster is because of the holiday, celebrations, event, and also because I'd love to see all the Christmas attribute which hanging in the mall than other celebrations attribute. In thousand years ago, Christmas day was celebrated as the birth day of the Jesus Christ. where we could saw in many Christmas film. I've seen that film and in the drama but I don't know why, I never bored to saw that films over and over again, even the story was same and the difference is the actors who act at that film. I'll tell you the short story of that film, but for further story, you can search it by yourself in the Google. The story is began with the Mary who didn't know where she must go to birth her baby in the Nazareth, so Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to found some place so they can get in, but there's no place. Finally, they found a place, but the place seems not feasible for Mary to birth her baby. As we known Mary inevitably must birth her baby in there. And there was born a baby who called "Jesus", King Herod heard that and then ask the wise men from the East to observed his star at its rising, and come to pay him homage.
I never bored to saw that films over and over again, even the story was same
Now, all the Christians celebrate Christmas in many ways, they're become more creative. I tell you the one easiest example that we can get it fast on our mind, but you can also mention any other things you know. Like we can look at every house there's a Christmas tree beside the fireplace with many gift that placed in it. And the greatest moment is when i look the family member put the ornament wherever they want (once again, i tell you that i just ever seen that time on drama). Then in the fireplace we can also see there's many Christmas greetings and big socks hang on there. They're believe that in the night of Christmas, the Santa will come to theirs house to put many gift in there with a someone name on it. But i think it just a myth, then the truth is their parents wrap a gift, write their name on it then put in theis socks. Then the other thing is they can write many Christmas greeting for everyone they love to. It makes me envy, not because of the greeting cards, Christmas tree, and also their socks, but because their togetherness. I hope someday Santa really come to my house to give me a gift that i really wanted to. maybe isn't as Santa, my Father it will be better. So, i can ask him why he give me that gift. LOLS =) And guess what! I've made what i wanted to have in a long list format. hope that the Santa wouldn't be surprised with my list. That's why i really wanted to Christmas come faster. :)

It makes me envy, not because of the greeting cards, Christmas tree, and also their socks, but because their togetherness

November 22, 2010

This World isn't Our STAGE

Our world isn't a stage. Our world is the best place to do something where we could tells good news to everyone, make others feel happy even they're in problems, spread the good influence to everyone and other good things.

But I felt like all the people started to show us their good acting, do everything like actor and actress like in the film. And not all the people in the world like that, but most of them do it. I give you illustration to make you more understand what i meant : The situation you and your friends are work in same office and also have same boss too. When the boss come to your room and look what do you do in office hours, you must be act like you're a good hard-worker. So, the boss just know that you really a hard-worker. When there's no boss in the office, you can do anything you want! Yes, you know what happen next. We can do anything like read news paper as long as you want, have longer time to eat your lunch, etc. The problem is, The Boss don't know what type of person you really are.
when there's a boss in your room :(
when there's no boss in your room :D
 not all the people in the world like that, but most of them
The illustration tells to us : sometimes we're 'using mask'. If there teacher, boss, and others look at us, we act like good workers,students, or anything that you can be. Then if the boss not look at us, we can do anything we want. It makes others pretend that we're really good person, even the truth isn't like that. who knows what you think inside your brain? NO ONE!
It makes others pretend that we're really good person, even the truth isn't like that
The great way to make your life better is BE YOURSELF and not make this world as a stage. You no need ask others to move on, but you must start to do it in your life first. Then others will see and do it in their life too :D
The great way to make your life better is BE YOURSELF

November 21, 2010


Last night, i was went to my friend's birthday party. It was in a seafood restaurant near the mall. Fortunately, i sat beside my friend who celebrate her sweet seventeen birthday. She look so pretty! And i think in every party, the waiter should serve the request and ordered to put food on our table, but the last night fact is my friend serve all the food to her friend, and the waitress just stand beside her. That's so terrible! How come the waitress can do whatever they want to do and their boss give they salary in every week..? hmm.. Forget about it. After my friend serve the food to her guest, she sat again and starts to eat anything in front of her, because she's totally hungry and tired because 'the waitress accident'. Then my friends told her to eat the noodles for the longevity. And she not really believe in it! But to make her friends happy, finally she eat the noodles first! Now, i will explain to you what i meant with the "truth or myth?"
My friends told her to eat the noodles for the longevity.
In China, all the citizens are really believe in that argumentation. So in their birthday, noodles always come to be the main menu! But sometimes i didn't believe in that argument. How come noodles can make our age longer? I don't think so ,because I've try it yesterday when my birthday come, I wasn't eat any noodles in that day because no one in my family members think to eat noodle in that day, so we decided to eat other food like fried rice, chicken soup, etc. Honestly, i love to eat noodles, because noodles always have a lot of alternative menus with different  tastes! and the most important fact is I'm still alive till today. Which meant that not true if we not eat any noodles in our birthday, we're going to die tomorrow :D So, i think it just a myth!
In their birthday, noodles always come to be the main menu.

The truth is noodles are not take any effect in our life, but I NEVER told that you're not allowed to believe in that argument. Just in my opinion, that's not true. Because who determine our age aren't us, but God does it. God determines till when we're alive. So, be wise guys! :)
Who determine our age aren't us, but God does it. God determines till when we're alive.

November 20, 2010


The first reason why i choose this words are because my dreams are my inspirations. It means no one could take it from me. Dreams always give me inspirations in my daily life. It could help me to imagine everything i never know in my imagination when i sleep at night.
My dreams are my inspirations. It means no one could take it from me.

The second reason : I don't know why, but sometimes i felt like I've knew what will happen next and I've dreamt about it before. Like what will happen in tomorrow or next week. My friends said that it was a dejavu, but i never mind about it. And you must know that i not always know it, because I'm not a paranormal and i don't have any supernatural power! So, I decided to write anything that runs in my mind in this blog :)
I'm not a paranormal and i don't have any supernatural power!
And the last reason is because I think dream have same power like hope. Everybody said that if we're don't have any hope, we could die in one second. and i think that could happen in everybody dreams too. let me explain to you what i think about dream.. first we all know that everybody have a dreams when they're sleep, and not only when they're sleep, but also when they're awake and do daily activities. the dreams that we've dreamt make us wanted it to be come true. then, to make our dreams come true, we need to try and do anything that can helps it come true, and we must pray also! :) i know that anything we want can come true in a few seconds. Never think that God doesn't hear your prayer. You must remember it that God have HIS own plan! :)
If your dreams come true, you must be happy right? That's why I said that DREAMS FLY ME HIGH :)