December 25, 2010

my 2010's last holiday

i just realized that this last holiday is so fast. i just have 2 weeks holiday. but at least it was better than i must wake up earlier in morning and go to school. the good news is i no need to face my boring day in school with teachers, books, and any nerd students. *dancing* i dont know why but there's no different thing i get in this holiday. it just same like last year holiday where i just spend my holiday just AT HOME, without go anywhere except mall, and my cousin's home. lemme tell you thats all so BORING! yeah, as we know that this year we have AFF football match, so its the last thing that i can spend with. today is 25th of December and i dont know what will happen next, and tomorrow instead.


December 6, 2010

w a i t i n g

waiting. i know it hard to do. it feels like the world stop spinned. just like you waiting for something that you really want to get that. thats not as easy as we spoke. it really hard then i couldn't handle it alone and it much harder for me if 'you' never know it. now, here i am  waiting for someone who you never know. please never ask it to me, because i'll never tell to you.

December 4, 2010

The GeJe'est SatNite Ever

mendengar kata malam minggu sebenarnya terlihat sangat menggembirakan, begitu juga yang terjadi denganku hari ini, yah walau tak menggembirakan banget sih. Setidaknya lumayan lah, kenapa..? Karena gue hari ini merasakan yang namanya SURGA (baca : liburan) seneng banget deh ga usa sekolah di hari sabtu yang nyebelin itu harus ikutan CB yang konon katanya akan membuat kita semua menjadi memiliki karakter yang katanya baik itu. Menurut gue sih ga ada gunanya kali pake ikutan kyk gitu segala, logikanya : gimana caranya sih karakter kita bisa menjadi lebih baik hanya dengan menjawab pertanyaan2, diskusi kelompok ga jelas, dan dibacain slide2 ga penting dimana para muridnya kaga antusias sama skali? Imposibble banget kan? 

then, yang ke dua. gue ngiri ma orang-orang yang bisa malem mingguan ma pasangannya sendiri2, gue liatin tuh status tmen-temen gue di bbm, twitter, semuanya deh. ngiri banget gue cuy! *curhat nih gue critanya* yayaya, teringat oleh peribahasa ato kata orang kata kata mutiara gitu bilang kalo Love is not envy, ya gue tau kl Cinta itu tidaklah iri, tapi gimana lagi dong? gue sebagai manusia biasa juga iri kl liat orang-orang pada seneng-seneng di malam minggu yang mreka bilang indah ini, smentara gue cuma di rumah dan meratapinya di depan laptop gue yang kaga bisa menyelesaikan masalah gue. (gimana mau nylesein? laptop kaga bisa ngapa-ngapain sih, ngomong aja kaga bisa, gimana mau nylesein.. ckckck) dan akhirnya gue terlihat sebagai #jomblongenes di malam minggu ini dengan back sound kembang api yang terus meledak di rumah tetangga.

and the last, but not the last for this blog life. kayaknya gue lama-lama bisa 'gangguan jiwa' deh kalo begini terus. (baru nyadar ketika menulis kata yang ada dalam kutipan mempunyai arti kalo gue uda menjadi semakin gila). ya uda deh, sekian dulu. capek nih ngetiknya. :D anyway, have a nice Saturday nite anyone :)

December 2, 2010

Embarrassed Moment

After sitting more than 2 hours in a room with many computers, and many student also, finally I finished my test. Yap, today I've got my results too. I was thought that how poor am I? I've do it in 2 hours long, but the result been given to me by the teacher in 10 minutes, and the result was poor bad. Even I've knew it before, it was my embarrassed day in this week, but i must accept it even I've did my best. The good news is i must learned English in there, because I'm too bad in English. In fact, I'm really happy, because it can makes many improvement in my ability, but sometimes i think that it just wasting my time. The first thing that come in my mind must be a positive thinking, so i think that will be useful for my future, and that thought make me more happier :)

Then, i still don't know what will happen next, my mom hasn't determine it, maybe tomorrow. but the deadline is Saturday. I never thought to wont join in that class, but i hope my mom be wise to help me reach the better future :)

I wrote this article isnt for a thing that you can tease me with, i just want to tell you that its better late than nothing at all, which i meant that its better if you late to study something, than you never study it. :)
its better late than nothing at all